Nutrition for patients after kidney stone surgery

Nutrition for patients after kidney stone surgery

 11:24 17/05/2024

Diet after kidney stone lithotripsy is interested by many patients. So what to eat after kidney stone lithotripsy to quickly recover health, achieve effective treatment, and avoid stone recurrence? The answer will be presented in the article below.
Treatment methods for 6-7mm kidney stones

Treatment methods for 6-7mm kidney stones

 05:45 12/05/2024

Kidney stones are a fairly common disease, the disease can be seen at any age, in which it is more common in the elderly.
Treatment methods for kidney stones

Treatment methods for kidney stones

 12:10 11/05/2024

Drinking lots of water is good for people with kidney stones. Water helps to reduce the possibility of stone formation and to dissolve stones with small stones.
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