Processing and Uses of Cinnamon

Oriental medicine

Processing and Uses of Cinnamon

  •   13/06/2024 10:57:00
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Cinnamon, scientifically known as Cinnamomum loureirii Nees; belongs to the Lauraceae family. It is one of the four precious medicines in traditional Eastern medicine (ginseng - velvet antler - cinnamon - supplementary). It is a large tree, reaching heights of 10 - 20m, with cracked outer bark and multiple branching stems.
Some remedies for illnesses using garlic

Oriental medicine

Some remedies for illnesses using garlic

  •   27/05/2024 05:52:00
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Garlic has long been known to humans not only as a spice that makes dishes more appealing and tasty but also as a miraculous natural medicine.
Treating cough in children with fish mint

Oriental medicine

Treating cough in children with fish mint

  •   27/05/2024 05:49:00
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Fish mint is one of the very useful natural antibiotics. Mothers often hesitate to give it to their children because of its bitter taste and cooling properties. However, fish mint and rice water are a specific and gentle remedy for cough.


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