Benefits of vegetarianism


Benefits of vegetarianism

  •   02/06/2024 00:49:00
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The United States National Institutes of Health and Nutrition have concluded that a healthy vegetarian diet, providing adequate nutrients, offers many health benefits.
Misconceptions about vegetarianism


Misconceptions about vegetarianism

  •   02/06/2024 00:42:00
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There are quite a few misconceptions surrounding the vegetarian diet, even among those who are practicing it. Below are some misconceptions about vegetarianism.
Risks of contracting many dangerous diseases if you overeat


Risks of contracting many dangerous diseases if you overeat

  •   02/06/2024 00:12:00
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When you overeat, the food exerts great pressure on the stomach, leading to the accumulation of fat, which is the cause of many dangerous diseases. If you feel your stomach can handle one kilogram of food per day, you should only consume half of that amount. This will prevent your body from being overloaded, avoiding a host of health issues.
Foods that may impair cognition, accelerate aging, and cause memory loss


Foods that may impair cognition, accelerate aging, and cause memory loss

  •   01/06/2024 23:50:00
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Maintaining a healthy diet can help you avoid the risk of cognitive decline, aging, and prevent memory loss. You should limit the following types of foods to improve your brain's abilities every day and prevent potential negative risks.
The important role of "golden health strategy" in breakfast


The important role of "golden health strategy" in breakfast

  •   21/05/2024 11:03:00
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Breakfast helps to regulate the circulatory system, enhancing heart function. Breakfast is often seen as unimportant, but in reality, it plays an extremely important role in the "golden health strategy".
Nutrition for patients after kidney stone surgery


Nutrition for patients after kidney stone surgery

  •   17/05/2024 11:24:00
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Diet after kidney stone lithotripsy is interested by many patients. So what to eat after kidney stone lithotripsy to quickly recover health, achieve effective treatment, and avoid stone recurrence? The answer will be presented in the article below.


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