Effective Gym Training Guide for Women

Effective Gym Training Guide for Women

 04:32 25/05/2024

Not everyone can engage in gym training, as this discipline requires good health to apply. Each gym exercise is suitable for different body types. Below is a guide on how to effectively train at the gym for women.
Effects of Aloe Vera

Side Effects of Aloe Vera and Precautions When Caring for Facial Skin with Aloe Vera

 00:06 25/05/2024

Using aloe vera (or Aloe Vera gel) for skincare has long been practiced by women and has brought about significant improvements in their appearance. Below are some side effects to consider before using aloe vera for beauty purposes.
Wonderful Benefits of Aloe Vera

The Wonderful Benefits of Aloe Vera for Beauty and Skin Care

 00:04 25/05/2024

Aloe vera (also known as Aloe Vera) originates from North Africa. Aloe vera has numerous benefits in the field of cosmetics and beauty care.
Beautify Facial Skin with Aloe Vera

Ways to Beautify Facial Skin with Aloe Vera

 00:01 25/05/2024

With numerous benefits, aloe vera is used by many women as a fountain of youth. Aloe vera can also be combined with various other herbs to achieve the best results, and these changes will quickly show on your skin.
Effects of emergency contraceptive pills and notes when using

Effects of emergency contraceptive pills and notes when using

 00:01 23/05/2024

The emergency contraceptive pill is one of the contraceptive options when having unprotected sex. Manifestations after taking emergency contraceptive pills, women may experience some unusual symptoms such as bleeding, headache, nausea...
Changes in the mother's body in the 4th week of pregnancy and health care notes during this period

Changes in the mother's body in the 4th week of pregnancy and health care notes during this period

 23:40 22/05/2024

In the first weeks of pregnancy, after the embryo has attached to the uterus, the amniotic sac and placenta also gradually form. Pregnant women may notice some of the first signs of pregnancy such as sore nipples, headaches, fatigue, and vomiting.
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