Risks of contracting many dangerous diseases if you overeat

Risks of contracting many dangerous diseases if you overeat

 00:12 02/06/2024

When you overeat, the food exerts great pressure on the stomach, leading to the accumulation of fat, which is the cause of many dangerous diseases. If you feel your stomach can handle one kilogram of food per day, you should only consume half of that amount. This will prevent your body from being overloaded, avoiding a host of health issues.
Foods that may impair cognition, accelerate aging, and cause memory loss

Foods that may impair cognition, accelerate aging, and cause memory loss

 23:50 01/06/2024

Maintaining a healthy diet can help you avoid the risk of cognitive decline, aging, and prevent memory loss. You should limit the following types of foods to improve your brain's abilities every day and prevent potential negative risks.
Some remedies for illnesses using garlic

Some remedies for illnesses using garlic

 05:52 27/05/2024

Garlic has long been known to humans not only as a spice that makes dishes more appealing and tasty but also as a miraculous natural medicine.
Treating cough in children with fish mint

Treating cough in children with fish mint

 05:49 27/05/2024

Fish mint is one of the very useful natural antibiotics. Mothers often hesitate to give it to their children because of its bitter taste and cooling properties. However, fish mint and rice water are a specific and gentle remedy for cough.
Guide to Sunbathing for Infants

Guide to Sunbathing for Infants

 05:47 27/05/2024

Sunlight brings life to all living beings, including plants, animals, and humans. From the moment they are born, the miraculous sunlight brings many benefits to infants, boosting their immunity, strengthening their immune system, reducing the risk of skin diseases, and especially contributing to strong and healthy bones.
Common illnesses in children during hot summer days

Common illnesses in children during hot summer days

 05:44 27/05/2024

With the characteristic intense heat of summer, it's a favorable time for many illnesses, notably those caused by viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
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