Common Causes of Dizziness

Common Causes of Dizziness

 04:56 05/08/2024

Dizziness can come in various forms and can be caused by many different factors. Here are the 7 most common causes:
Amoxicillin 500mg

Amoxicillin 500mg

 22:50 29/07/2024

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic used to treat infections of the upper respiratory tract, lower respiratory tract, urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, biliary tract infections, skin infections, etc.
Refractive Errors in the Eye: Causes and Treatment

Refractive Errors in the Eye: Causes and Treatment

 22:22 29/07/2024

Normally, light entering the eye converges on the retina. If light does not converge on the retina, it causes refractive errors, making vision unclear, blurred, or distorted.
What is Skin Peeling? Common Skin Peeling Methods

What is Skin Peeling? Common Skin Peeling Methods

 22:24 26/07/2024

Skin peeling is a method that uses chemicals to destroy the outermost damaged skin cells. Following this, the skin layer will regenerate from the basal cells in the epidermis or within the epidermal appendages such as hair follicles.
Signs of Recognition, Causes, and Treatment Methods for Autism

Signs of Recognition, Causes, and Treatment Methods for Autism

 23:59 11/07/2024

Autism is a disorder in the development of the nervous system that diminishes social communication abilities and learning behaviors. The condition typically manifests before the age of 3. Despite normal physical development, children with autism have distinct thoughts, emotions, language usage, and habits compared to neurotypical children.
Alexander Fleming father of antibiotĂ­c

Alexander Fleming - The pioneer of antibiotics in medicine

 23:41 11/07/2024

In 1945, Alexander Fleming was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine alongside Ernst Boris Chain and Howard Walter Florey for their discovery and isolation of Penicillin—the first antibiotic used to treat infectious diseases.
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